Himalaya Lukol Tabs 60'S

Rs. 140

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Himalaya Lukol Tablets
Instills Confidence in Her


Stimulates the endometrium: Lukol stimulates the endometrium (inner membrane of the uterus), normalizes the tone of uterine musculature and improves blood circulation.

Treats leukorrhea: The drug has potent antimicrobial and antifungal properties that combat the bacteria responsible for leukorrhea and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). It also acts as an astringent on the mucus membrane of the genital system.

Pain relief: Lukol’s anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic properties alleviate pain and other symptoms associated with PID and leukorrhea.

  • Nonspecific leukorrhea (thick and white/yellow vaginal discharge)
  • Post intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) leukorrhea
  • Post tubectomy (surgical procedure for permanent contraception) leukorrhea
  • Leukorrhea associated with PID
  • Backache and other symptoms associated with leukorrhea
Key ingredients:
  • Asparagus (Shatavari) has antifungal and antioxidant properties that work synergistic to eliminate common fungi that cause leukorrhea and PID. The herb also soothes aches and pains because of its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Fire Flame Bush (Dhataki) has potent antimicrobial properties, which combat bacteria that causes leukorrhea and PID.
  • Spreading Hogweed (Punarnava) has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, which are beneficial in alleviating symptomatic pain.

Directions for use: 1-2 Tab Twice a day or as directed by physician

Pack Size - 60 Tablets

Side effects: Lukol is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.

The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat your problem without consulting your doctor.

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